There’s nothing like skipping into the day, but it’s not always that easy, and you can’t feel on top of the world the whole time. However, there are things you can do to beat the blues, and with a structured morning routine, you can increase your chances of having a great day full of productivity and happiness.
Routine allows us to stay focused and motivated,” says Niels Eek, psychologist and co-founder of mental wellbeing app, Remente. “Even if you might not feel it right there and then, settling into a familiar routine can help your mind get into a state of ‘flow’ and stimulate your brain for a productive day ahead.”
Here’s how to use morning routines to create success in your life…
Why Morning Routines Create Successful Days
There are many ways to better your morning routines, but we are all different and whilst some will work for you, others won’t. I, for one, know how beneficial it would be to meditate each morning, but can I get it into my routine? Absolutely not, and I’ve tried on numerous occasions. I do, however, have a solid morning routine which includes 6 of the below, and I am working on not looking at my phone for at least 20 minutes from when I wake up.
10 Simple Morning Routines
So, here are some suggestions, the list is by no means exhaustive; pick which ones you can start to integrate into your mornings and see how you get on. I’d love to hear your feedback and any other suggestions you can share.
#1 Don’t Hit The Snooze Button
Hitting the snooze can actually have the opposite effect you want it to. The brain is aware the alarm is going to go off again, so the quality of sleep is poor and can actually make you feel more tired and fatigued throughout the day. And then, each time it alarms, you get a rush of cortisol which causes you to wake abruptly and sends your body into fight or flight mode, which in turn will interrupt your sleep cycle. Instead, set your alarm for the time when you want to get up and move it away from you, so you physically have to get up to turn it off and then you are up.
#2 Drink A Large Glass Of Water
Most people tend to have water by their bed so this should be an easy one. Drinking water first thing in the morning helps your body to recover from a night of dehydration, and your body is able to absorb the water faster when your stomach is empty. It also helps to remove any toxins and cleanse your bowels. Additional advantages of drinking water and keeping hydrated include: better and brighter skin, healthier hair, weight loss, improved metabolism, increased energy and boosted immune system (
#3 Don’t Reach For Your Phone
This is a tough one for most people (including myself!). It’s so easy to turn the alarm off and go straight to checking for notifications to see all of the things you’ve missed since the day before. Getting up to date with social channels and reading gloomy and depressing news, all adds to increasing stress and anxiety. It’s not a good start to the day and one we would all benefit from avoiding.
#4 Get Outside As Soon As You Can
Every single human, just as soon as possible after waking up, should go outside and get at least 15 minutes of direct natural light. Period,” says Breus, a sleep medicine specialist and co-author of the new book, Energize!Go from Dragging Ass to Kicking It in 30 Days. If you are lucky enough to have a dog you’ll be able to tick this one off easily. If you walk to the train station, work or the gym this will hopefully do the trick but if you work from home, I appreciate you’re going to have to make more of an effort to get outside and enjoy the morning light.
According to sleep specialist Nathaniel Watson, MD at the University of Washington School of Medicine, “light is the single most important element for setting our circadian clock, or internal 24-hour rhythm, and morning light is key.” Keeping our circadian rhythm in check helps promote consistent and restorative sleep.
#5 Exercise In The Morning
It’s not always possible and it’s not for everyone but if you can, exercising in the morning has huge benefits. Not only will you increase your focus, alertness and energy, but you’ll be happier, you’ll make better food choices, and you’ll sleep better. What’s not to love?!
#6 Set Your Intentions
Take a moment to pause and set your intentions for the day, whatever they may be. Personally, I always walk to the gym reciting the same intention ‘I am calm, I am happy, I am healthy, and I am loved, and I’m super excited about this incredible life that I’m creating for myself and others’
#7 Meditate
People like to meditate at different times of the day and again, it’s whatever works for you (I’m up early for the gym and would rather sweat it out than sit quietly). But, a morning meditation will start your day calm and focused and there are plenty of apps like Headspace or Insight if you need to be guided through it.
#8 Make Your Bed
Nice and easy and takes less than a minute. Making your bed will begin to declutter your space and keep a calm and organised mind, ready for the day ahead.
#9 Up Your Game
The principle at work here is that small actions in the morning can lead to big differences in your day. This can be extended further into your life by making one of your morning routines to actively consider how you can up your game in other areas of life. Focus on achieving one thing and take a small amount of time each day to plan or action steps to make it happen.
For example, you might decide you want to write a novel or memoir. This can easily feel like a big, overwhelming task that never gets started because it seems so insurmountable. Dedicate 15-30 minutes a day to the aspiration, however, and you will find yourself making rapid progress. Whether you’re outlining your plot, or spending time writing, you’d be amazed how quickly you can get this done by dedicating just a short time to it each morning.
#10 Quality Time With A Pet
If you have a furry companion (or even a scaly one!), there are two things you can work into your morning routine that will really elevate your day. Firstly, get in a good cuddle. Spend a solid five minutes petting your pet. That contact is scientifically proven to get lots of positive endorphins and serotonin flowing through your brain.
The second thing you can do is combine your morning exercise routine with your pet. Sure, that might mean taking your pooch for a walk, but it could also mean puppy yoga. Feel free to think outside the box on this one.
So there you have it, a few ideas to start your day on the right footing with some solid morning routines. Remember, you don’t have to do all the ideas on this list; pick and choose those that suit. You can also start by introducing one and build from there.
And, as Tim Ferriss writes in Tools of Titans, “If you win in the morning you win the day” – so very true!